Murfreesboro Little League
Registration Fees
Tee Ball (league ages 4-5) $95.00
Coach Pitch Minor (league ages 6) $105.00
Coach Pitch Major (league ages 7-8) $105.00
Kid Pitch Minor (league ages 9-10) $110.00
Kid Pitch Major (league ages 11-12) $110.00
Intermediate (league ages 11-13) $120.00
Senior (league ages 14-16) $120.00
(The prices above include a $10.00 City Field Usage Fee.)
The player's age on 8/31/2025 is used to calculate the league age of the player for the 2024 Fall & 2025 Spring seasons.
Players that wish to play up one league age must register for the correct division for their league age and email [email protected] before registrations close to seek approval to play up one league age.
A $10.00 Late Fee will be included for any registrations processed after the registration deadline for all divisions.